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Beasts of the Earth best books southern gothic literary books like cormac mccarthy
David Heska Wanbli Weiden recommends Beasts of the Earth literary fiction by James Wade
Stacey Swann recommends Beasts of the Earth literary fiction by James Wade
Matt Bondurant recommends Beasts of the Earth literary fiction by James Wade


  • Ar an bhfadliosta do Ghradam Ficsean Reading the West Book

  • Rogha Barnes & Noble de na Ríomhleabhair Indie is Ansa leat in 2021

  • Rogha Iris ó Dheas ó Dheas le haghaidh Léitheoireachta an tSamhraidh

Agus é ag iarraidh éalú óna athair maslach agus glúnta na bochtaineachta timthriallach, téann Jonah Hargrove óg isteach san Abhainn mistéireach -- cailín déagóir a iompraíonn na mílte dollar i meatán goidte - agus tugann sé faoi odaisé ghotach theas trí íochtair abhann East Texas.

Téann John Curtis, rí na ndrugaí áitiúil, agus a fhorghníomhaí dúnmharaithe, Dakota Cade, ar a dtóir, a raibh baint rómánsach ag River leo. Ach tá a gcuid naimhde féin ag Cade agus Curtis, de réir mar a thosaíonn a gcaidreamh leis an gcairtéal a rialaíonn a soláthar meata ag dul in olcas.


Ag coinneáil cluaisíní ar gach duine tá The Thin Man, feallmhar ciúin a bhfuil meas aige ar iarmhairt thar trócaire.

Tá gach duine ag coinneáil rúin ó na daoine eile -- rúin mharfacha a nochtfar ar bhealach fíochmhar de réir mar a imbhuaileann a gcuid cosáin deiridh agus cuirtear iallach ar gach duine teacht i ngleic lena roghanna, a gcúinsí, agus a sainmhíniú féin ar Dhia.

Le foireann ildaite de charachtair tacaíochta agus foréigean gan staonadh in aghaidh an phróis lyrical, tumann River, Sing Out go domhain isteach i ndomhan sinister agus sanguinary, áit a bhfuil bochtaineacht leatromach in aghaidh an ghá le creidiúint i rud éigin níos mó ná an duine féin.

"Beasts of the Earth is a leanly structured western, stripping the genre only to its most basic elements. This allows Wade’s prose and philosophical ideas room to shine...a powerful ode to dreaming, beauty and human goodness."

-- Deep South Magazine

"Wade returns with another stark and chilling tale...From reptiles in the swamp hunting prey, to reptilian men, cold and calculating, beasts feature in this disturbing novel...The prose is beautiful."

-- Library Journal

"Wade's pitch-perfect, personality-driven dialogue sings in the voice of life, and his ability to meld existential thought, situational metaphor, and cinematic setting is a full-bodied experience...A soul-deep exploration of a wounded man in crisis, James Wade's Beasts of the Earth...secures his position as an author of extraordinary merit."

-- New York Journal of Books

"...contemplative character development and evocative descriptions of the landscape..."

-- Publishers Weekly

"The story brilliantly weaves together an ephemeral whodunnit with a transcendental puzzle about god and death. James Wade is a master of blending plots in this manner, and this his third novel is a masterpiece. Wade's prose is lyrical, telling a story with a three part harmony of action, metaphor and imagery. The novel's plot is a haunting ballad of evil and an atonement that is as fleeting as it is obscure...All of Wade's language in Beasts of the Earth is melodious, playing on each page a song that grips a reader's heart and soul...The anticipation makes it impossible to stop turning pages until the end. But there is no "needlessly shocking" conclusion, as one misguided reviewer suggests. For the novel's appropriate closing, the story's music just fades away, leaving it to the reader to decide, in true literary form, the reckoning. Few modern novelists have Wade's literary agility, and Beasts of the Earth will certainly delight sophisticated readers."

-- Midwest Book Review

"All Things Left Wild was one of my favorite novels of the last two years, as was River, Sing Out. But neither of those novels could have prepared me for the dark and compelling vision of Beasts of the Earth. I found myself rooting for the characters throughout their near-Biblical tribulations, and the storyline kept me turning the pages, desperate to find out what would happen next. Here we have a novel that blends realism with existentialist philosophy to redefine contemporary Southern fiction. Don't miss this tour de force of modern literature."

-- David Heska Wanbli Weiden, Spur and Anthony Award-winning author of Winter Counts

"Like Flannery O'Connor, James Wade explores what it means to be human--our capacity for good rivaled only by our capacity for evil, our weakness alongside our urge for redemption and grace--with gloriously complex characters and gorgeous prose. Beasts of the Earth is a beautiful gut-punch of a novel."

-- Stacey Swann, author of Olympus, Texas

"James Wade is a writer of exceptional talent and this novel is his latest entry toward his path to greatness."

-- Scott Semegran, award-winning author of The Benevolent Lords of Sometimes Island and host of Austin Liti Limits

"James Wade writes a terrific story, but that isn't what makes him so good. Wade is a craftsman. His books should be read slowly, to luxuriate in his word choices, his sentence structure, his character revelation. That is why he is a joy to read."

-- James L. Haley, Spur Award-winning author of the Bliven Putnam Naval Adventures

"James Wade's Beasts of the Earth delivers on the promise of his first two novels with this scorched-earth tale of a solitary innocent struggling against the unrelenting misery of a rural community in the American South who believe him to be a degenerate criminal. Reminiscent of early McCarthy, Larry Brown, or the great Tom Franklin, Wade uses two timelines to weave this intricate story that culminates in a most satisfying crescendo of honor, violence, and the only kind of justice some folks ever get. It's his depictions of noble suffering that strike deepest--I'll be thinking about young Michael Fischer, a boy struggling to hold together that last fragments of his humanity, for a long time. James Wade has all the tools, imagination, and more than enough passion to be at the vanguard of the best Grit-Lit writers of his generation, and I'll be reading whatever he puts out."

-- Matt Bondurant, bestselling author of Oleander City and Lawless

River, Sing Out by James Wade is a southern gothic literary fiction book in the style of Cormac McCarthy
May Cobb recommends James Wade's River, Sing Out a southern gothic literary fiction book in the style of Cormac McCarthy
Kirkus Reviews recommends James Wade's River, Sing Out a southern gothic literary fiction book in the style of Cormac McCarthy
Elizabeth Wetmore recommends James Wade's River, Sing Out a southern gothic literary fiction book in the style of Cormac McCarthy


  • Ar an bhfadliosta do Ghradam Ficsean Reading the West Book

  • Rogha Barnes & Noble de na Ríomhleabhair Indie is Ansa leat in 2021

  • Rogha Iris ó Dheas ó Dheas le haghaidh Léitheoireachta an tSamhraidh

Agus é ag iarraidh éalú óna athair maslach agus glúnta na bochtaineachta timthriallach, téann Jonah Hargrove óg isteach san Abhainn mistéireach -- cailín déagóir a iompraíonn na mílte dollar i meatán goidte - agus tugann sé faoi odaisé ghotach theas trí íochtair abhann East Texas.

Téann John Curtis, rí na ndrugaí áitiúil, agus a fhorghníomhaí dúnmharaithe, Dakota Cade, ar a dtóir, a raibh baint rómánsach ag River leo. Ach tá a gcuid naimhde féin ag Cade agus Curtis, de réir mar a thosaíonn a gcaidreamh leis an gcairtéal a rialaíonn a soláthar meata ag dul in olcas.


Ag coinneáil cluaisíní ar gach duine tá The Thin Man, feallmhar ciúin a bhfuil meas aige ar iarmhairt thar trócaire.

Tá gach duine ag coinneáil rúin ó na daoine eile -- rúin mharfacha a nochtfar ar bhealach fíochmhar de réir mar a imbhuaileann a gcuid cosáin deiridh agus cuirtear iallach ar gach duine teacht i ngleic lena roghanna, a gcúinsí, agus a sainmhíniú féin ar Dhia.

Le foireann ildaite de charachtair tacaíochta agus foréigean gan staonadh in aghaidh an phróis lyrical, tumann River, Sing Out go domhain isteach i ndomhan sinister agus sanguinary, áit a bhfuil bochtaineacht leatromach in aghaidh an ghá le creidiúint i rud éigin níos mó ná an duine féin.

All Things Left Wild by James Wade is a best western book winning the 2021 Spur Award and Reading the West Award and reminds readers of Cormac McCarthy
David Joy recommends James Wade's All Things Left Wild a best book literary western book that reminds readers of Cormac McCarthy and won several awards
Sarah Bird recommends James Wade's All Things Left Wild a best book literary western book that reminds readers of Cormac McCarthy and won several awards
Owen Egerton recommends James Wade's All Things Left Wild a best book literary western book that reminds readers of Cormac McCarthy and won several awards


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  • Club Leabhar an Mhéara in Austin, Texas, Roghnú

  • Rogha Barnes & Noble de na ríomhleabhair Indie is Fearr de 2020

  • Rogha PopSugar de Leabhair Fhicsin Stairiúla Dhíolmhara

Tar éis robála a dhéanamh, tá Caleb Bentley, sé bliana déag d'aois, ar teitheadh lena dheartháir níos sine meán-spioradálta trasna Iardheisceart Mheiriceá ag tús an 20ú haois. Déanfar tástáil ar chompás morálta agus ar mhisneach istigh Caleb agus iad ag taisteal ar an tír-raon crua agus ag bualadh leo siúd a bhfuil saol bainte amach acu ann, ar mhaithe nó ar son tinnis.

Tá Randall Dawson, atá saibhir agus ina leabhar, as áit sa tír gharbh foréigneach seo, ag dul ar thóir na ndeartháireacha Bentley. Agus gan mórán tuiscint aige ar conas maireachtáil, i bhfad níos lú conas díoltas a bhaint as, buaileann Randall le Charlotte, bean a bhfuil taithí aici ar bhealaí marfach na beatha san Iarthar. Nascann siad le chéile na luachanna murky a bhaineann le ceartas vigilante.

Cumhachtach agus atmaisféir, is éard atá i GACH NÍOS FAOI LÁTHAIR ná teacht in aois d'fhear amháin, odaisé lár-saoil don fhear eile, agus léiriú ar an bhforéigean agus an chaimiléireacht atá i réim inár dtír atá ag méadú go tapa. Léiríonn sé go healaíonta áilleacht Iarthar Mheiriceá mar a léirítear in anam an duine.  

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